These are the forums for the Simwiki community. Enjoy yourself, write posts about anything on-topic, engage with any posts you like, treat others the way you would like to be treated, keep it civil, don't get personal, keep it fun.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
-John 3:16,
We also have a Simwiki Discord:
Public Forums
- The Simwiki Forums are public forums
- There are other great forums for sims that are private
- Act accordingly because your content will be public
- Feel free to post anything on-topic
- Ask questions, look for help, seek advice
- Create a post to be your project/mod/data's homepage, you can continuously edit posts to keep it up to date
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- Write longer pieces reviewing, critiquing, or just appreciating anything as long as it's on-topic
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- One account per user or permanent ban
Act like a human being:
- Treat people like you would if you were face to face with them
- Arguments and debates are fine but keep it civil
- Try to stay on topic
- Avoid hijacking or derailing other people's threads, make a new post instead
- Give credit where due
- Links to mods required for screenshot or video posts
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- Do not link directly to downloads, link to the download's homepage, unless you are the author or your post is on the Simwiki Forums is the download's homepage. For example, do not directly link downloads from private forums, instead link their threads.
- Respect 'private only' forums such as Trackaholics, European Endurance Center, Evolution Modding, F1 Classic, etc. Do not directly link their download files, instead link their own forum thread.
- We try not to censor, not even 'mean speech'
- Responsibility is on members to keep it civil
- Avoid getting personal and you will avoid consequences
- Engage the issue, itself, not the person or group, and you'll be fine