- PHP script that produces quasi-realistic weather scenarios from real weather data
- Uses sqlite databases populated with OpenWeatherMap.org real weather data
- Produces weather scenarios based on probabilities derived from real weather data metrics
- Supports weather parameters like Conditions (Sunny, Cloudy, Overcast, Rainy, Storm), Ambient Temperature, Track Temperature, and Track On/Off Path Initial Wetness
- Outputs real-time and slots-based weather scenarios generated from templates
- Fast and scalable
- See Real Weather for the Crew Chief GTR2 Enhancements Plugin for how the weather files generated by this script are used in GTR2
- See Racing Circuits Real Weather Data for the real weather data that this script consumes
- 2024-11-26
- 2024-11-08
- 2024-11-06
- 2024-10-06